Global Virtual Classroom
25 augustus 2006
Frans Peeters
Dear Friends,
We are writing to ask for your assistance in soliciting teachers and schools to participate in the 2006/07 Global Virtual Classroom (GVC) Program. Now in its fourth year, the GVC is a free online educational program that fosters cross cultural collaboration and understanding and teaches IT and website design skills.
Sponsored by the Give Something Back International Foundation, the GVC provides an opportunity for primary and secondary school students from different countries to work with and learn from other students as they collaboratively design a website on a topic of their choosing.
Each GVC team consists of three primary or three secondary schools from different countries. Once the teams have identified a topic, completed their research and planning and designed their websites, a panel of international judges evaluates them and determines the winners. Plaques and cash awards are presented to the winning teams and each student receives a certificate of participation. The first place teams are awarded $3000; second place teams receive $1500; and, third place teams receive $750.
You can find out more about the program as well as download the application at our website,
Applications will be accepted through September 23rd, at which time teams of three schools from different countries will be formed and start to work together on their websites. Beyond the accomplishment of the website projects, these teams learn how to collaborate across cultures and form new, first-hand understandings and friendships with those from different lands.
We are pleased that a number of returning and new participants have already signed up for the 2006/07 contest. Over the years, we've had over 10,000 students participate from hundreds of schools from over 40 countries. We would be delighted to welcome new schools to this year's program!
Again, information about the program, previous GVC award-winning websites, and the online application can be found at:
We would also appreciate your sending copies of this email to your friends, teachers, schools or other people that might be interested in participating in this program.
Thank you for your assistance.
Andrew Ezzell and JoAnn Patrick-Ezzell
GSBI Foundation / sponsor of the GVC Program
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